Registration with the NMC is a four step process

As part of the process of evaluation for elgibilty and qualification, applicant must declare that they meet all their pre requisites including good health and good character.
Establish identity by filling in details details such as passport number, address and contact details.Provide evidence of your Nursing qualification. For third party verification of your nursing credentials, you must provide the correct email address of your institution Principal or Head or the person responsible who will respond to NMC request for verification.
Provide your home country’s Nursing Council details with the correct email address, inform your home country’s Nursing Council of the NMC request. Your home country’s Nursing Council must reply directly to NMC.
Once when NMC receives the verification reply from your country’s Nursing Council, they will update on your online portal to complete your evaluation.
NMC fees for this process: £140
Upon completion of the the evaluation process, you will be informed by NMC that you can take the test of competency.
Part 1 – Computer Based Test (CBT). This is a multiple choice examination which is accessible in many countries and can be accessed by the applicant from their home country. Information on this test can be found in the link that will included in the email sent to you by NMC.
NMC fees for this process: £83.00
Part 2 – Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). This can be taken in three test centres in the UK – Ulster University, Oxford University of Northampton University.
The OSCE is made up of six separate stations using simulated patients in a clinical setting. Four stations are designed to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care, and the remaining two stations test clinical skills.
NMC fees for this process: £794.00
If you fail up to 4 OSCE stations you must pay a partial resit fee of £397.00 and the full amount of £794.00 if you have to resit more than 4 stations.
Provide evidence of English language competency – submit either IELTS or OET scrores
Health declaration – NMC will ask your medical practitioner to submit verification that you are medically fit to practice
Character evidence – NMC to obtain evidence of good character from your country’s Nursing Council
Professional Indemnity – declare that you will have the necessary professional indemnity cover. This can be either through your employer or the Nursing Unions.
NMC fees for this process: £153.00
Once you complete the OSCE, NMC will evaluate your full application.
The NMC will notify you in writing of their decision and if successful, you will receive your Nursing PIN by email.
In case your application needs further verification or additional documents, NMC will inform you and request for them NMC also gives you an opportunity to appeal their decision should it be unsuccessful or in need of further evidence.
Apply for a vacancy
- Mental Health Nurses
- Tier 2 Sponsorship Pre-Registered Nurses
- Care Assistants